Connection Groups is our small group ministry at Heritage. From our very beginning we've believed in providing a path for connections. Groups are a path to connecting with other people at Heritage- that maybe you don't connect with on Sunday or Wednesday- through fellowship, Bible study and prayer.
Connection Groups are built on those three tenets: fellowship, prayer and Bible study. While groups may function a bit differently, they all strive to connect through those three.
Connection Groups take place on scheduled Sunday evenings from the start of school thru the end of that school year. Groups meet at 5 pm on CG nights in the homes of members. There is flexibility, group dependent, from week to week with location and time. Our hope is that on most Sunday evenings at 5 pm, our church family is meeting in small groups connecting with other brothers and sisters!
The 2024-2025 meeting calendar will be finalized soon. We are seeking a regular rhythm of Connection Groups meeting 2 or 3 times per month with a Sunday evening Harmony or special event once per month.
Groups are so important to us that every person at Heritage is placed in a small group. Sometimes, connection is intentional. Our desire is that everyone at Heritage will be active in their group. Meeting and learning and, yes, connecting with others in small group. So, every school year, we re-form groups. All new groups to allow for new connections with others.
Think about new families and folks joining Heritage. Even think about families that have been a part of our church for a while, and you only ever speak or interact in the foyer on Sunday. How likely are connections to occur with a few minutes here and there on Sunday? Or for new folks at Heritage who are still navigating their new church home?
Intentional pathways for connecting with others at our church are so important! By shaking up groups each school year, we are being intentional that all of our connection opportunities multiply.
You! Others at Heritage help lead Connection Groups. Leading is helping your group with organization and communication. Bible study materials are provided and the calendar is worked out, plus every group have a Shepherd to help. Being a group leader is a way to help ensure groups go!