Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Welcome to Heritage Kids' Ministry. We offer a fun, safe, exciting and age-appropriate environment centered on biblical truth for all ages of children.
Children (babies through 4th grade) will develop a relationship with Christ through interactive and hands on learning.
LiveWires (5th & 6th grades) will grow together through an important time in their lives, being encouraged by loving adults through Bible study, service and fun hangouts all year.
Children (babies through 4th grade) will develop a relationship with Christ through interactive and hands on learning.
LiveWires (5th & 6th grades) will grow together through an important time in their lives, being encouraged by loving adults through Bible study, service and fun hangouts all year.

Weekly Classes
10:55 to 11:45 am
We have classes for all ages following worship.
6:30 to 7:30 pm
Wednesdays at Heritage include Bible classes for all ages. Babies, pre-school, elementary (stations) and LiveWires.