Sunday Bible Studies

Classes for all ages meet weekly following worship until 11:45 am. We have three children check-in stations- one outside the nursery and two in the foyer. We ask that all children up to 4th grade be checked in at a kiosk. Every child will receive a sticker that helps us ensure safe spaces for them. All of our teachers are back ground checked and only approved adults are allowed in the children's class spaces during Bible class times.
Our youngest ones meet in the nursery in the east hallway (the one to your right when exiting the big room)
Toddlers up to 4 years old meet in E1
Our four year olds walk through the life of Jesus in room E2
Pre-schoolers along with our Kindergartners begin discovering when and how they can talk to God through different Biblical accounts in room E3.
1st thru 5th graders  are split into two groups on Sunday. 1st and 2nd Graders meet in room W2 while our 3rd and 4th graders meet in W1.
Live Wires is our 5th and 6th grade ministry. They gather in the LiveWires room in the East hallway, last room on the right)
Heritage Youth Group is for middle school and high school students. They meet in the HYG room in the East hallway. First room on the right, just off the foyer.
Young Adults encompass college students through adults in their 20s. This groups meets in room W3.
Adult Bible class meets in the big room, sitting towards the front for a better class experience.
Here's a layout of class locations. Anyone with a "How Can I Help?" laynard can get you in the right spot.