Heritage Church of Christ is a place where you can connect and belong. A church engaged in life-giving community where everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where everyone's God-given abilities can be discovered and unleashed. A place, not defined by an address, but community established in love.
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am Worship
10:55 am Bible studies
10:55 am Bible studies
Connection Groups
5:00 pm
What To Expect
Parking & Entrance
We offer guest parking on the west side next to the overhang entrance. Convenient parking just for you!

We will have greeters at the doors to help with any needs or immediate questions you might have and to help find seating. At anytime through the morning you can ask volunteers at the Welcome Table (located in the foyer) or those with lanyards saying "How Can I Help?"

You'll find that our worship is ‘a cappella;’ that is, we sing without the use of musical instruments. We love the beauty and joy of worshiping God with our voices all together. We believe you will find the singing meaningful and uplifting, with everyone being invited to participate.

Communion will also be a part of our worship. During this time, we take time to eat bread (symbolizing the body of Jesus) and drink grape juice (symbolizing the blood of Jesus). You do not have to participate in this celebration of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Which we partake in every week together.

When you honor us with a visit you will hear spoken prayers and a lesson from God’s Word. We believe in the power of prayer and God’s Word, so these aspects will take up a considerable amount of our worship time. The lesson is normally 25 minutes long. We hope you find it refreshingly Bible-centered and applicable to your life.

HKids Message
Every Sunday children of all ages are invited to gather on the stage for a dedicated, and often interactive, time to discover God's Word. It's a highlight of our Sunday gathering. Our children are the lifeblood of our community and we welcome them all.